Winery: Mon Ami
Brand/Type: “American” Riesling
Vintage: 2004
Country: USA
Region: Catawba Island, Ohio
Alcohol content: 11.5%
Closure: Synthetic Cork
Appearance: Pale straw
Aroma/Bouquet: Pleasant, mild fruity bouquet
Semi-sweet. Similar to a German Auslese but not as complex. This wine tends to grow better as it has a chance to warm or settle in to your glass. The initial taste is sweet which yields to a tart apricot and melon flavor with a hint of tangerine. Having sampled this on three separate occasions, the sweetness seems to vary from bottle to bottle.
Mon Ami is a staple of the Catawba region of Ohio. The winery dates back to 1870 and has an interesting winery including a very fine restaurant on premise. Wine tasting is available on site as well.
This is a nice low price wine that won’t disappoint those whose palates run on the sweeter preference.