Winery: Blackstone
Brand/Type: Merlot
Vintage: 2001
Country: USA
Region: California
Alcohol content: 13%
Closure: Synthetic cork
Appearance: Dark, inky, ruby red
Aroma/Bouquet: Pungent blackberries, noticable alcohol odor

Noticeable wood and spice flavors. Smooth, dry with a crisp spicy finish. Has a slight vinegar aftertaste.

Blackstone is a fairly popular/common brand name. Not sure why they feel it important to note that this is a “California” Merlot. According to the Blackstone website, this is actually a blend.

An average Merlot. As an alternative you could buy three bottles of Charles Shaw, have a better experience, have money left for gas, and do yourself no harm.

One Reply to “Wine Tasting:
Blackstone 2001 California Merlot”

  1. You can’t go wrong with two-buck Chuck if you stick with the Shiraz or Cabernet. Me thinks that drinking battery acid would be preferable than their whites or Merlot.

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